When placing the order, you can choose to pickup goods at our warehouse.
Light filters cannot be picked up at our warehouse, they can only be collected, by appointment, in our Magenta office.
The order must be completed on the web site choosing “Pickup at warehouse”. Once the order has been sent you will receive a first e-mail for the order confirmation, and then a second one, authorising the collection.
You cannot pickup goods without our authorisation.
- Warehouse: LSM Logistica Via Primo Maggio, 4 - 20014 Nerviano
Maps coordinates
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8,15-11,45 am ; 1.00-4.45 pm - Magenta office (for light filters): Via Giovanni Cattaneo 17 - 20013 Magenta
Maps coordinates
Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30 am
Tel. 0245070561