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Diffusion Filters

DIFFUSIONS (Diffusions - Cosmetics Diffusions): Spread the projected beam of light over the subject, some loss of light will possibly be seen. The greater the diffusion, the greater and more even the resultant spread of light. Shadows are reduced. Used to smooth out beam scallops when lighting cycloramas or in tight spaces.

FROSTS (Frosts - Coloured Frost): Frost is used for a variety of applications offering low to medium diffusion to a beam of light while maintaining the shape and beam centre.

Model: F-129X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: A strong diffusion that eliminates nearly all shadows. Trasmission: 25% Stop Value: 2 Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200° Notes: Flame retarda..
15,00 €
129 Heavy Frost - Lighting Filter 122x762cm
2-3 Days
Model: F-129 Stock: 2-3 Days
Special filter for lighting Description: A strong diffusion that eliminates nearly all shadows. Trasmission: 25% Stop Value: 2 Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200° Notes: Flame retarda..
85,00 €
Model: F-186X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: A warm highlight, leaning towards pink. Brings out pink pigment in skin tones Trasmission: 33.48% Stop Value: ⅔ Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature ..
10,50 €
186 Cosmetic Silver Rose - Lighting Filter 122x762cm
2-3 Days
Model: F-186 Stock: 2-3 Days
Special filter for lighting Description: A warm highlight, leaning towards pink. Brings out pink pigment in skin tones Trasmission: 33.48% Stop Value: ⅔ Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature ..
89,00 €
Model: F-191X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: A cool highlight leaning towards blue, good for cool front light. Trasmission: 65.8% Stop Value: ⅔ Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
10,50 €
Model: F-191 Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: A cool highlight leaning towards blue, good for cool front light. Trasmission: 65.8% Stop Value: ⅔ Thickness: 3.0 mil (76,2 micron) Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
85,00 €
Model: F-216X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: Used for soft light effects. Trasmission: 36% Stop Value: 1 ½ Thickness: 50 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
15,00 €
216 White Diffusion - Lighting Filter 122x762cm
2-3 Days
Model: F-216 Stock: 2-3 Days
Special filter for lighting Description: Used for soft light effects. Trasmission: 36% Stop Value: 1 ½ Thickness: 50 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
85,00 €
Model: F-217X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: As White Diffusion but with the addition of Eighth C.T. Blue Trasmission: 2.07% Stop Value: 0 Thickness: 50 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
10,50 €
Model: F-217 Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: As White Diffusion but with the addition of Eighth C.T. Blue Trasmission: 2.07% Stop Value: 0 Thickness: 50 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200°..
85,00 €
Model: F-220X Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: Used for soft light effects. Trasmission: 39% Stop Value: 1 ⅓ Thickness: 75 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200° Notes: Flame retardant..
15,00 €
Model: F-220 Stock: In Stock
Special filter for lighting Description: Used for soft light effects. Trasmission: 39% Stop Value: 1 ⅓ Thickness: 75 micron Material: Polyester Temperature limit: 200° Notes: Flame retardant..
85,00 €
Showing 1 to 12 of 48 (4 Pages)
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