The following sale terms are a fundamental part of all our supply contracts, when orders are made by phone, verbally, by fax, e-mail or on the web.
Read them every time you visit our web site, as some parts may be necessarily updated.
By placing an order you implicitly fully accept our sale terms hereby described.
If the Customer also is the Consumer (a physical person buying the item, for any purpose not related to a professional use, i.e. the purchase is not made using a VAT number) once the purchase procedure is completed, they will print or save a copy of these sale terms, pursuant to art. 3 and 4 of Decreto Legislativo 22 May 1999 n. 185 about distance selling.
The Customer can buy products as they are described in the relevant information sheet. It is understood that the image accompanying the technical sheet of a product may not be the exact representation of the product. In the catalogue on the web site, as the access and the possibility to place an order do not modify in real time the availability of the item, we cannot guarantee the certainty of allocation of the ordered items. It is our commitment, however, to immediately inform the Customer, should the item be no more available.
Correct receipt of an order is confirmed by e-mail, to the address the Customer has communicated. The confirmation message will show date and time of the order and an “Order Number”, to be used for any further communication. The message will contain all the data the Customer has input, and the Customer guarantees that those data are correct, and will immediately inform in case there should be any change.
In case the order should not be accepted, we guarantee to inform promptly the Customer.
The Customer is not entitled to any compensation for damages or indemnity as well as any contractual or extra contractual responsibility for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or things, due to the non-acceptance, also partial, of an order.
Prices on the web site are VAT excluded and are subject to change without prior notice. These changes are strictly connected to the market situation or to the fluctuation of the exchange rate.
It is our commitment to inform immediately the Customer should there be any price change for the ordered item. Invoiced prices will be those in force at the date of delivery.
Delivery costs are automatically calculated on the basis of the weight.
It is possible to add a preference about the delivery, which can be anyway changed by our logistic for technical reasons without further debits or credits.
Generally speaking, if the goods are available, the despatch is planned for the same day of the order, if the order is placed before 12:00 am, choosing payment by credit card, by Unicredit bank transfer or by istant bank transfer. In case of payment by ordinary bank transfer, the despatch will take place only when the sum is credited.
Delivery is estimated at 24/48 hours (48/72 hours for Calabria and isles).
No responsibility will be considered in case of delay in order fulfilment or in the delivery.
When the goods are delivered, the Customer must check that the package is undamaged. Damages or the non-correspondence of the number of boxes must be immediately reported adding "ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO INSPECTION" on the delivery note received by the courier.
Please inform us immediately, if possible, about the extent of the damage, by e-mail to and then, within 3 working days after the delivery by registered letter to ALTEA S.r.l. - Via Vincenzo Monti, 8 - 20123 - Milano (MI).
The damage risk is on our charge during the transport and is transferred to the Customer in case of pickup of goods at our warehouse.
It is understood that, once the delivery note has been signed without any objection, no exceptions will be possible about the external aspect of the delivered goods.
In case of stoppage of the goods due to the impossibility to deliver at the address the Customer has indicated when placing the order, within 5 working days, stoppage fees of 1 euro/day plus 2 euros of administrative charge will be debited. In case the goods should return to the sender, the cost of the return despatch will be debited, and the goods will be available for pickup at our warehouse.
When placing the order, you can choose to pickup goods at our warehouse.
Light filters cannot be picked up at our warehouse, they can only be collected, by appointment, in our Magenta office.
The order must be completed on the web site choosing “Pickup at warehouse”. Once the order has been sent you will receive a first e-mail for the order confirmation, and then a second one, authorising the collection.
You cannot pickup goods without our authorisation.
- Warehouse: LSM Logistica Via Primo Maggio, 4 - 20014 Nerviano
Maps coordinates
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8,15-11,45 am ; 1.00-4.45 pm - Magenta office (for light filters): Via Giovanni Cattaneo 17 - 20013 Magenta
Maps coordinates
Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30 am
Tel. 0245070561
You can choose between Bank Transfer, Online or Cash.
Bank transfer
If the payment is made by advanced bank transfer, the order will be taken in charge only after receiving confirmation of the credit by our bank. Payment must be made within 5 days from the order date, once these days are exceeded, the order will be cancelled.
The payment description field must contain the order number.
Bank transfer from Italy: Unicredit Bank
IBAN: IT39C0200834090000101634451
Swift/Bic: UNCRITM1183
Bank transfer from abroad: SumUp Limited Bank
IBAN: IE86SUMU99036510275549
Swift/Bic: SUMUIE22XXX
In the case of online payment as a private customer, you can choose between Credit Card, BancomatPay, MyBank (only from a computer) and Satispay.
In the case of online payment as a business customer, you can pay by Credit Card (Min. 54,00 euro).
Confirmation is immediate.
To guarantee an excellent security level, only credit cards complying with 3D secure code MasterCard and Verified by Visa can be used.
More detailed information on the security of credit card information can be viewed on our Online Payment Security page.
If you prefer to pay when collecting the goods at our warehouse, the goods of your order will be available for 5 working days from the order date.
Invoices will be issued on the basis of the data given by the Customer, when placing the order. Information about certified e-mail or SDI code can be input while placing the order in the NOTE field (field for specific requests or comments); without these, invoices will be issued with a generic '0000000' code and will be available in the tax mail box on the web site of the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).
For orders without any fiscal code or VAT number, relevant payment will be registered at the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) and a regular ticket will be issued.
In the event of delayed payment, besides the set deadline, an interest for delayed payment will be applied, without prior notice, on the overdue amounts. Interest will be calculated on a daily basis, following the reference rate fixed by the European Central Bank, plus 8 percentage points (art. 4 Decreto Legislativo 9 Novembre 2012, n. 192). We reserve the right to ask for formal compensation for any recovery costs incurred and without prejudice for compensation for greater damages.
Pursuant to dlgs 206/2005 mod. D.Lgs. 21/2014, if the Customer is a Consumer, (i.e.; is a physical person buying an item for personal purposes, not referred to a working activity, and does not buy on the basis of a VAT number) they have the right to withdraw from the contract, with no explication and without any penalty, within 14 calendar days from the day the goods have been delivered.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you can fill our RETURN FORM.
More detailed information can be viewed on our Return conditions page.
All products have the legal guarantee, pursuant to art. 128 and following of the Consumer Code (Codice del consumo), that covers any possible conformity defects of the purchased goods, at the moment of delivery or that appear within 2 years from the delivery date, for purchases made by the Consumer (physical person buying the item, for any purpose not related to a professional use, i.e. the purchase is not made using a VAT number) or within 1 year from the delivery date for purchases made by a Company or for professional purposes. In order to be entitled to the guarantee, the Consumer must keep the purchase ticket or invoice.
More detailed warranty information can be viewed on our Compliance Warranty page.
Personal data will not be transferred to third party and will be used and managed in accordance with the privacy protection principles, pursuant to 2016/679/UE Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)
Further information on the subject can be seen visiting the following link Privacy.
These Conditions and terms of sale and the relationship between ALTEA S.r.l and the Customer are governed by the Italian law, and specifically by .D.Lgs.70/2003, concerning electronic commerce and by .D.Lgs. 206/2005 with specific reference to the rules related to distance selling and contracts.
For all claims and disputes that may possibly arise, both parties accept the jurisdiction of the Court of the area in which the Customer resides, if in Italy.
We inform you that, the European Community has implemented an online platform for an alternative resolution of claims.
This instrument may be used by the European Consumer for the out-of-court settlement of disputes, arising from the contract finalised on this site. European ODR platform is available here:
For any other claim, both parties accept the jurisdiction of the Court where ALTEA S.r.l has the registered office.